Thursday, March 25, 2010

Silverlight and WCF Slides and Demo Application

 The slide set for the Silverlight and WCF presentation at the Denver Visual Studio User Group on 3/22/2010 can be found at
To install and configure the demo application:
1. Download the zip file from and unzip it.
2. Create a database named “SilverlightWcf” in a version of SQLServer 2008.
3. Create the needed data table by either running the script SilverlightWcf_DatabaseTables.sql script in the Database folder or by creating the table manually based on the SQL in the file
4. Open Visual Studio 2010 and open the SilverlightWcf.sln solution found in the root of the project tree.
5. In Visual Studio, navigate to the SilverlightWcf.Model.Services project, Database subfolder. Open the SilverlightWcf.dbml file.
6. Open the property for the dbml file (select the property view, then click anywhere on the canvas of the open dbml file) and change the connection string to point to your SQL Server SilverlightWcf database created above.
7. Compile and run the application.